It would also be nice if the developer would add an option to load multiple photos of an item in the software, and integrate bar code / online shops to make the importing of items in the inventory software easier.
The program could use an interface update to remove those restrictions. Even worse is the fact that there is no scroll bar available to access items that are not displayed when the program window size is reduced. The interface elements do not change their size when the window gets resized. The program window has a fixed minimum size with no option to reduce the size beyond that limit (it seems to have taken roughly two thirds of the 1920x1280 display on the test system). Probably the biggest one is the interface and program window. The inventory software has a few quirks that need to be mentioned. Home Inventory Software supports printing of reports and labels (ranging from address labels to file folder labels and note cards), and the exporting of information to csv files Reports can be generated sorted by a one of the available fields. The inventory listing itself can be sorted by category (e.g. This acts more or less like a personal description for that specific item. There is also an option to open a details form, which acts independently from the other form fields. Data of a selected inventory item can be changed on the fly by editing the sidebar items. A photo can be added for each item which may be helpful to identify items and for insurance claims. Most fields are optional, it is for instance enough to enter a name and category for the item to add it to the inventory list. All descriptive fields are displayed in the sidebar and it is up to the user to fill them out accordingly. New items are added via the right sidebar. Custom fields and naming changes become available immediately in the application.
Among the default fields are the category, room, model and serial number, value and store, if it is insured, the quantity, heir, warranty and buy date. The program is quite flexible in this regard, offering the user options to customize all fields. The program compares the selected category with the existing groups and will add the category to the inventory listing if it does not exist.Ĭustom fields are used to add item information to the inventory. Groups are automatically created when items are added.

These are just examples and it is up to the user to create those inventory groups. The example manager file that ships with the application contains inventory lists for Electronics, Furniture, Jewelry and a test category.

Each manager file consists of one or multiple inventory lists. It is possible to create and maintain multiple manager files. The inventory software uses manager files that store the inventory lists. Knowing what your assets are, having record of them, and some detailed descriptions can help you in recovering them as well as getting compensated for them by your insurance in certain cases. Keeping track of your home inventory can be an important step in organizing and protecting yourself. While it has been primarily been designed for home usage, it can as easily be used as a inventory management software for small businesses and organizations. It allows the user to track, organize and catalogue items. Free Home Inventory Software is a freeware that has been designed for that purpose.